Wednesday 5 December 2012

Geo News Live

I happened to be visiting the city of Karachi for official work and was having a ball looking at the usual wall chalking saying “Jaye Mahajir” and sweet honey dripping words for Imran Khan when I realised another “association” arising as a community that can’t be swayed, threatened or looked in the eye.

As probably Hardy would’ve written if he were a Karachiite…
“The traffic laying peaceful like the corn kernels on their cob would part, splurging in all directions to give them way. The traffic police would be terrorised and would stand aside in utter respect (? or is it fear?) as the car approaching them would be sporting a shining, number plate that would be brightly displaying a medley of bright orange and a fresh shade of blue. As it drives past them, they all would read the sacred few letters that denote the upcoming “Bhai Community” of all time.
Talk about a drop scene, seriously!! The automobiles adorning anything with the blessed Geo logo on them would have a freeway to “anywhere”
All i can say is, its sad. Its not just Karachi, its in us as a nation. We end up misusing, exploiting and abusing our positivity turning it into negativity.

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